D-Day Global Campaign

Flames of War Global Campaign

United Nations forces today were stretched across an 70-mile front. Fighting has been heavy in the face of unexpectedly fierce German resistance. It even looked like the offensive was stalled as British forces faced hard fighting around Hill 112 and our doughboys before Mt. Pincon. It was the boys of VII Corps that saved the day around Coutances and turned the German lines opening up the lines and forcing the enemy to retreat. Ahead are Caen, Vire and Mortain!

Tank Commander Back in the Field
After sustaining serious head injuries, Master Sergeant Crosswiredmind in back commanding his tank. His story is an inspiration to us all showing us how with determination you can get back in the saddle. Good luck sergeant!

Mum’s the Word
London, July 4 – Ten thousand persons knew of the approximate date of the second front invasion for six months and many knew it for a year but German agents never ferreted out the secret, a dispatch from an advanced command post said today.

German Propaganda Lies
Our soldiers have captured a copy of Signal, the lying propaganda paper of the Germans. One tale it spun was that the Allied Armies were nothing but “Hot Air and Shiny Toys!”, well we will give them a taste of hot lead! General Eisenhower said it better: “Our Home Fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions of war, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men.”



  • Recce Forever says:

    Agree with Ruchey; the longer the Germans ignore our Russian Allies, the quicker we are in Berlin! Victory will be ours!!!

  • All American says:

    As the former Editor of PRAVDA, I confess, that Stars and Stripes are written by All American for Americans.

    If you care to write Pravda, I might be able to hook you up 😉

  • Ruchey says:

    And still they ignore their Soviet brethern. It is behind our victories that the war will end!

  • All American says:

    I don’t know your real life name Oberst Nagten. Send me a message at Polar Bear and I will look you up if I am in your side of the woods 😉


  • Oberst Nagten says:

    Similarly, AA, should you find yourself in Pittsburgh…although spirits would only be available if we adjourned to a local watering hole. I am descended from the Irish on both sides, and as Val Kilmer says famously in THE GHOST AND THE DARKNESS, God created whiskey that the Irish not rule the world. I don’t keep them in the house to avoid the temptation.

  • All American says:

    Oberst Nagten, if you find yourself in Iceland, look me up. I have a fine collection of spirits and a great gaming room and most armies. I am pretty sure we could we have so great conversations and a challenging game 🙂

  • Recce Forever says:

    One sparrow makes no winter, cheer up lands, onward to the Seine and Rhine

  • Oberst Nagten says:

    That is my recollection, as well. AA. Since we are playing a D-Day campaign I recommend reading D-Day through German Eyes to those who have not done so. A more depressing book is hard to judge; with one exception the survivors viewed the attacking force as overwhelming and Allied victory assured. The exception is an officer who worked on a wonder weapon project, in this particular case a thermobaric (as we say now) weapon delivered by Nebelwerfers. The field test in Normandy was wrecked by an Allied bombardment a few hours before being launched.

    So when Hitler talked about ‘explosive weapons of great power’ he wasn’t just talking about nukes. Fortunately, the Germans lacked the resources to continue the project. But if an armored division assembly area had been hit by these weapons, the breakout would have turned out differently and Speer would have found the resources.

    On such small things the fate of nations can turn

    meanwhile keep on playing, and read a little history to spice it up

  • All American says:

    There was a German plan to take over Iceland, called Ikarus.

    To do so the German High Command summarized that England had to be taken or neutralized first.


  • Oberst Nagten says:

    Why not Iceland after we’ve conquered England? With our new superweapons even the Channel should not be a barrier.

  • All American says:

    From Mud Through Blood To The Green Fields Beyond

  • James Westerfield says:

    Out of the Bocage and on to the fields of France.

  • All American says:

    The story of Master Sergeant Crosswiredmind is based on this battlereport


  • All American says:

    Lets sit down for a cup of coffee and discuss this more. Shall we say in Berlin before Christmas?

  • Oberst Nagten says:

    General Eisenhower is repeating himself. Perhaps a sign of combat fatigue, neh? Die Nadel revealed the truth of the canvas Army weeks ago. No use denying it.

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